Continuing Grants
Anglican Youthworks
2022 Continuing Grants
VFFF is proud of the portfolio of grants developed over the past 60 years. We continue to apply learnings from this rich history of granting to our work today.
The following grants were approved prior to the implementation of the Backing Young People strategy. We continue to work closely with these organisations and have enjoyed watching their progress throughout 2022.
Anglican Youthworks
Youth ministry expansion in Western Sydney and deployment of ministry survey $58,000 (total $338,000, final distribution)
Australian Schools Plus
Fair Education Cohorts 3 & 4 $1,553,353 (total $6,306,443)
Baptist Union of NSW
State youth camp and church capacity building $59,000 (total $251,000, final distribution)
Centre for Media Transition, University of Technology Sydney
Towards The Guardian Australia’s Rural Network and research on sustainable media business models $490,935 (total $1,380,000)
Community Resources
Two years of further funding towards key leadership positions to support organisational recovery and growth $177,958 (total $523,507, final distribution)
Country Universities Centre
Employment of Learning Skills Advisors across the network of Country Universities Centres to support students in academic engagement and success $178,836 (total $520,049, final distribution)
Creating Chances
Program expansion to Far West and North West NSW $60,000 (total $180,000)
Evolve Housing
Capacity-building funding to support social housing tenants to achieve social and economic outcomes $140,210 (total $271,174, final distribution)
Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)
Investing in Rural Community Futures $1,095,432 (total $5,046,496)
Great Lakes Agency for Peace and Development International
Core support for rural and regional resettlement $140,000 (total $305,000, final distribution)
Lower Lachlan Community Services
Operational and capacity building support $68,910 (total $193,120, final distribution)
Royal Far West
Project Sprouts $163,803 (total $376,582, final distribution)
Smiling Mind
Building Smiling Mind’s capacity to respond to growing demand for their wellbeing programs $220,000 (total $700,000)
Sports Chaplaincy Australia
Sports Chaplaincy in Junior Sport $250,000 (total $650,000)
The Karrkad Kanjdji Trust
Expanding KKT’s work across the region $119,250 (total $458,970, final distribution)
Thrive Refugee Enterprise
Thrive Refugee Enterprise expansion to regional NSW $300,000 (total $900,000)
Top Blokes Foundation
Top Blokes expansion in Western Sydney $68,109 (total $192,990)
University of New South Wales (Centre for Social Impact)
Social Impact Leadership Australia (SILA) Program $600,000 (total $3,000,000)
Walter and Eliza Hall Supplementary Trust
Small Grants Program for People in Necessitous Circumstances $500,000 (total $2,500,000)
Weave Youth and Community Services
Aboriginal Healing Program $125,000 (total $375,000)
White Box Enterprises
White Box capacity support towards 5000 jobs $500,000 (total $1,350,000)